under the microscope

NIH nutrition for precision health study.

“The NIH study will involve 10,000 participants in total, some of whom are signing up for intense measures, like monitors that follow them and make sure they don’t eat smuggled food, or special eyeglass attachments to record what they eat.” ~ learn […]

under the microscope

Peter Attia doesn’t like the vegan twin study.

The study, which is also available as a Netflix docuseries, compares results of identical twins assigned either vegan or omnivore diets at random. Attia writes: “While the attempt at controlling for genetics may be admirable, it is at odds with the rest […]

under the microscope

The promise of and problems with phages.

“But for many people, phages aren’t some miraculous elixir. In 2022, researchers published the largest series of case studies of phage therapy for antibiotic-resistant bacterial infections yet. Of the 20 people treated with phages, most with infections related to cystic […]

under the microscope

Supercharging CAR-T cells for cancer treatment.

Before CAR-T therapy really picks up steam toward its full life-saving potential, society might see one or more major improvements in its cost or effectiveness. Here’s one: “Traditional CAR-T cells, while effective against liquid cancers, face challenges in solid tumors—the […]

under the microscope

A protein to restore memories lost to Alzheimer’s.

There’s a protein that’s found in the kidney and brain that’s cleverly called KIBRA. “Kauwe, Pareja-Navarro et al. identify a KIBRA-dependent mechanism to repair the plasticity at synapses that is dysregulated in neurons underlying the loss of memory in tauopathy.” […]

under the microscope

Scientists see hope for curing autoimmune disease.

In autoimmune diseases, the body attacks its own cells. That poses a problem because stopping the attack also comes with lowering the body’s immunities against foreign invaders. Some recent understanding of cellular function, supported by clinical trial results, is promising. […]

under the microscope

DNA as hardware rather than software.

The team created a nanoscale electromotor, an innovative piece of equipment engineered from DNA. This motor features a turbine design constructed entirely out of DNA strands, arranged to form an axle and three blades, powered by the hydrodynamic flow within […]

under the microscope

A promising new oral insulin pill.

It works with micro-encapsulation of insulin with a coating that breaks down specifically in the liver and specifically when blood sugar levels are high. Amazing! “The medication that can be taken orally has already been tested on baboons, in which […]