better doing

A study found diversity did not make teams work better.

This is certainly a surprising result, given it flies in the face of what seems like ‘common knowledge’ these days. “A new, comprehensive preregistered meta-analysis found that, whether the diversity was demographic, cognitive, or occupational, its relationship with performance was […]

better doing

Learn by copy.

Jason Cohen celebrates copying styles. The analogy extends to business. “In America we’re trained that all copying is bad; of course plagiarism is, but perhaps we’re throwing the baby out with the bathwater.” ~ learn more

better doing

Ask vs guess culture.

“When unreasonable requests are followed up with “but you could have just said no!” Exploring the clashes of ask culture and guess culture, at home and at work.” ~ learn more

better doing

Lindley’s paradox.

On null effects in science. “What’s more convincing? p = 0.04 in a sample of 10 or p = 0.04 in a sample of 1,000,000?” ~ learn more

better doing

A word to the resourceful.

One of Paul Graham’s essays from 2012: “A year ago I noticed a pattern in the least successful startups we’d funded: they all seemed hard to talk to. It felt as if there was some kind of wall between us. […]

better doing

Ambition’s gravity.

“I’m here to tell you: you can simply decide to do big things. And I’m here to argue that you should spend the time to figure out the most ambitious thing you could dream of doing with your one wild […]

better doing

Warren Buffett, Harry Bottle and the story of Dempster Mill.

I have been reading Buffet’s early letters (pre-Berkshire) and this value investing story was in there. “In 1956, the Buffett Partnership began acquiring Dempster Mill Manufacturing Co., a producer of windmills and farm equipment in Beatrice, Nebraska, about 100 miles […]