Can you tune a fish?
This impressive youtube creator was determined to finds out. Yes, it turns out, you can tune a fish. If you’re into engineering you might get a kick out of this. ~ learn more
This impressive youtube creator was determined to finds out. Yes, it turns out, you can tune a fish. If you’re into engineering you might get a kick out of this. ~ learn more
“Separating urine from the rest of sewage could mitigate some difficult environmental problems, but there are big obstacles to radically re-engineering one of the most basic aspects of life.” | learn more
Read this for inspiration. People all over the world are still building. “An electric aircraft race, a new dark-matter detector, and a permanent Chinese space station await.” | learn more
From team a16z bio: “As our engineering toolkit in bio expands to be more powerful than ever before, and the infrastructure to deliver, produce, and scale these solutions comes increasingly online, a whole new world of problems in biology begin […]
“However, scientists with the University of Chicago’s Pritzker School of Molecular Engineering announced a significant breakthrough: Quantum states can be integrated and controlled in commonly used electronic devices made from silicon carbide.” | learn more
TEDx talk by P.S. subscriber Tony Wilkins. “We spend too little time creatively thinking about controlling what we can control and too much time worrying about what we cannot.” | learn more
I am a big fan of these sorts of public “what we learned” posts – especially when they’re not written as a company post-mortem. I think we can all learn from Bra Theory founder Mona Zhang and her team’s journey. […]