What does physics have to say about AI risk?
“In this essay, we consider whether some very special computers will become black holes before they become gods.” ~ learn more
“In this essay, we consider whether some very special computers will become black holes before they become gods.” ~ learn more
This is includes multimedia to help explain quantum computing and the algorithms that might be applied with it to unravel our internet’s security. It’s pretty incredible, yet as I told the friend who sent this to me, quantum computers don’t […]
Like the link above, this is also about organoids. A bit farther ‘out there’, these researchers want to turn the lumps of brain cells into fast and efficient computers. Given the revolution happening in artificial intelligence on silicon, this could […]
Chris Dixon thinks of blockchains this way. “Traditional computers are ultimately controlled by people, either directly in the case of personal computers or indirectly through organizations. Blockchains invert this power relationship, putting the code in charge.” | learn more
“I have never seen a computer system which handles names properly and doubt one exists, anywhere. So, as a public service, I’m going to list assumptions your systems probably make about names. All of these assumptions are wrong.” | learn more
I must admit, I don’t totally grasp all this quantum stuff. Maybe one of you will be so kind as to explain it to me in small words? “Austrian and Chinese scientists have succeeded in teleporting three-dimensional quantum states for […]
It’s nice to see a story about the retailer in its prime for a change. “Sears and Roebuck—a firm that has seen better days—helped sell the public on computers, video games, and online services.” | learn more