oh, Austin

A bearish view of Austin’s office space market.

This article from the Washington Post is sprinkled with bad-sounding factoids about vacant space throughout the city’s new buildings. “Roughly 87 percent of new office space is expected to open vacant, according to data from the commercial real estate firm […]

fun facts

What is disc golf in South Florida like?

I’ve been playing with friends in Austin and our hazards are nothing like this. From the comments: “Those little ones are the worst. They got something to prove and are so much more confrontational.” ~ watch the video

oh, Austin

Rewilding Zilker Park.

A proposal. You might remember the other proposal for this mainstay park in Austin. “Parts of ZiIker Park are being loved to death, while other parts are being under-utilized due to a lack of shade.” ~ learn more

oh, Austin

Bro-tastic party mansions in Austin.

Rising property values aren’t good for everyone, and gentrification has its downsides. There’s also the related trend of short-term rental businesses reducing long-term resident housing supply. This author is quite upset by the whole situation. He highlights many silly anecdotes […]

fun facts

How I knew a frog moved in next door.

There’s a construction project next to my home that’s currently a big hole in the ground. After some rain, it became a makeshift pond. Then a frog moved in. The frog made lots of loud noise all through the night. […]

oh, Austin

Why do sidewalks in Austin suddenly end?

“According to Austin’s Public Works Department, the city is missing about 1,600 miles of sidewalk — a length of concrete that could stretch from here to Winnipeg, Canada.” ~ learn more