under the microscope

Oral Alzheimer’s drug advances to Phase 2 trial.

“Asceneuron’s lead drug candidate ASN51 is a small molecule designed to block OGA, an enzyme that plays a role in protein aggregation. By preventing tau aggregation, the drug is intended to slow Alzheimer’s progression. In Phase 1 tests in healthy […]

under the microscope

A protein to restore memories lost to Alzheimer’s.

There’s a protein that’s found in the kidney and brain that’s cleverly called KIBRA. “Kauwe, Pareja-Navarro et al. identify a KIBRA-dependent mechanism to repair the plasticity at synapses that is dysregulated in neurons underlying the loss of memory in tauopathy.” […]

under the microscope

There are five (or more) variants of Alzheimer’s.

“It’s plausible that this not only explains some of the differences we see in how Alzheimer’s progresses, but also signals the need to treat each variant differently, potentially explaining the high failure rate in finding successful treatments up until now.” ~ learn […]