better doing

The carrot problem.

Instead of admitting that a new kind of radar allowed British WW2 pilots to shoot down their German adversaries at night, “they invented a propaganda campaign that claimed their pilots had developed exceptional eyesight by eating “an excess of carrots.” […]

better doing

That hit song you love was a total fluke.

“Participants were randomly assigned to different virtual rooms. In some rooms, people saw only a list of songs, while in others they could see how many times a song had been downloaded. Altogether the researchers created eight rooms — parallel […]

better doing

You suck at Excel, with Joel Spolsky.

This private presentation to an audience of engineers is now available on Youtube and its great. Joel was a program manager on the Excel team in the early ‘90s. “The way you are using Excel causes errors, creates incomprehensible spaghetti […]

better doing

Excellence is a habit, but so is failure.

“We often hear that making small incremental improvements every day can lead to great things. … But there’s another side to this story that we don’t discuss as often: how incremental neglect and small missteps can accumulate and lead to […]

better doing

Rocks, Pebbles, Sand: How to implement in practice.

This is a tactical guide for setting business goals. “A Rock must deliver dramatic, measurable impact, not merely “incremental improvement.” … This is where teams most often fall short: Not delivering enough impact to justify their investment of time.” ~ learn more

better doing

Get it done.

“Too often I see someone who is responsible for accomplishing an important goal doing the best they can in the face of immense odds. It may sound counterintuitive, but the mandate of such a job is not to “do the […]