fun facts

Ten good news stories for kids in 2022.

“Despite enormous challenges facing many children around the globe, 2022 also brought good news. As we approach the end of the year, here are 10 areas of progress for children we can celebrate…” ~ learn more

tech, startups, internet

The Allbirds story. 

This shoe brand has come out of nowhere to take the tech world by storm. I own a pair and love them. This interesting article in Forbes discusses the leap of faith the founders took to build the business. | learn more

tech, startups, internet

The Shopify story in numbers. 

I’ve highlighted Shopify in the past – specifically how easy it made launching an ecommerce site. Elon’s Musk (above) is also powered by Shopify. As the company crosses $10B in market cap, VC Tomasz Tunguz analyzes their business by the […]

better doing

A story about A/B testing. 

Duolingo VP of Growth Gina Gotthilf discusses some of her favorite testing success stories and the ethos behind testing. I really appreciate her article in particular because she makes it clear that if you don’t have enough traffic (or users […]

retail therapy

A non-US retail success story. 

Sometimes it’s easy to get myopic, forgetting that there are many great retailers outside of the US market. This Bloomberg article highlights A.S. Watson Group, which plans to open 1,400 stores this year – a third of them in China. […]