better doing

What’s really impacting your decision making?

“You probably learned at school that humans have five senses—sight, sound, smell, touch, and taste—partly because these are the ones that Aristotle identified two millennia ago. Aristotle was wrong.” | learn more

better doing

Your thinking rate is fixed

At first, I thought this article didn’t apply to me because I’m not trying to think faster. But Shane Parish makes the point that by focusing on speed I’m forced to make decisions faster and that’s the same thing as […]

book recommendations

Takeaways: Thinking in Bets by Annie Duke

Author: Annie Duke Despite her World Series of Poker-winning bona fides, Annie Duke wants you to know her book, Thinking in Bets, isn’t a poker book. So much so, “Why This Isn’t a Poker Book” is the first chapter title. […]

better doing

I’m Afraid of Documentaries

Growing up, we were told TV would rot our brains. So, instead, I’ve been watching documentaries! For years. I’m guessing you have too. They’re a great alternative to fiction movies and TV shows. They make us feel educated, not just […]

better doing

The 10/10/10 rule for decision making

I learned of this from Annie Duke’s book Thinking in Bets (review coming eventually) then googled for more detail. The short version: when considering a decision, think about how you will feel about it in 10 minutes, 10 months and 10 years. | learn […]

better doing

Managing the leap reflex

Thanks to a friend’s regular forwarding of Seth Godin’s blog posts, I finally signed up to read them. This one addresses the all-too-real risk of losing decision-making discipline after being worn down by time. | learn more

book recommendations


Author: Steven Johnson People have been making decisions of great importance for as long as there have been people. With the help of evolution, some of those decision-making tools have been genetically encoded into our human DNA as biases and heuristics. […]