The luckiest fool who ever lived.
I did not fact check anything about this story of Lord Timothy Dexter. I sure hope it’s all true. Married into money, his first move was to try and prove how cool he is to the Boston elites by buying […]
I did not fact check anything about this story of Lord Timothy Dexter. I sure hope it’s all true. Married into money, his first move was to try and prove how cool he is to the Boston elites by buying […]
“In a follow-up story, investigative news team in Boston sends a reporter’s cheek swab sample to the same pet DNA testing lab: report states the reporter is part Malamute, Shar Pei, and Labrador Retriever” ~ learn more
I played Oregon Trail in my browser this weekend. Despite starting as a wealthy banker from Boston, I lost most of my family to Cholera along the way. Next, I’d like to revisit Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego, […]
Redfin’s survey (n=900, probably biased) data shows, “more than 50% of people in New York, Seattle, San Francisco and Boston would move if work-from-home became permanent.” | learn more
Before that, they were using a team of 10 human route planners. Interestingly, no jobs were lost during the transition. | learn more
What do brands like Adidas, Uniqlo, and Ministry of Supply see in their crystal balls? While 3D printing is still stuck making products that feel like plastic, 3D knitting can create custom textiles on-demand. Uniqlo has a line of 3D […]