UFOs show govt. competence as either surprisingly high or low
A reasoned intellectual analysis into the hardest-to-dismiss cases of UFOs by Robin Hanson of Overcoming Bias. | learn more
A reasoned intellectual analysis into the hardest-to-dismiss cases of UFOs by Robin Hanson of Overcoming Bias. | learn more
Author: Annie Duke Despite her World Series of Poker-winning bona fides, Annie Duke wants you to know her book, Thinking in Bets, isn’t a poker book. So much so, “Why This Isn’t a Poker Book” is the first chapter title. […]
Author: Nassim Nicholas Taleb As with the first Taleb book I read, Skin in the Game, I had to work extra hard while reading this to divorce the author’s wisdom from his style. That wisdom is, in one man’s opinion, […]
Authors: Hans Rosling, Anna Rosling Rönnlund, Ola Rosling A couple years ago I watched some of Hans Rosling’s TED talks and found them captivating. He was a Professor of Public Health, and had an amazing way of bringing statistics about the […]
Farnam Street offers an excellent write-up that highlights the importance of incentives (you can never read too much about this), and the different systems of incentives and reinforcement. This is great learning for both business leaders and parents. | learn more