fun facts

Farewell, millennial lifestyle subsidy

“These companies’ investors didn’t set out to bankroll our decadence. They were just trying to get traction for their start-ups, all of which needed to attract customers quickly to establish a dominant market position, elbow out competitors and justify their […]

big ideas

Founding vs inheriting institutions

Inside this post Balaji describes a concept of read-only culture: “the ability to repeat what an ancestor has handed down – but not recreate it from first principles.” It reminds me of cargo cults a bit. | learn more

teaching the kids

The history of homework

“Homework is long-standing education staple, one that many students hate with a fiery passion. We can’t really blame them, especially if it’s a primary source of stress that can result in headaches, exhaustion, and lack of sleep. … It makes […]

teaching the kids

Bill Maher and Mike Rowe share a view on higher ed.

Maher recently included a segment on his show that overlaps with many of Rowe’s ideas. “I want people to radically rethink higher education. Toward that end, I’ve always maintained that making a four-year degree “less expensive” is a great symptom, but a […]

under the microscope

Using DNA to predict intelligence

A short and intriguing research paper. “Thousands of DNA variants have been identified that – aggregated into genome-wide polygenic scores (GPS) – account for more than 10% of the variance in phenotypic intelligence. The intelligence GPS is now one of […]