Most common domesticated animal by county.
Based on USDA Census of Agriculture. Humans, who count as an animal here, win 1,495 counties. Pheasants win 2. ~ learn more
Based on USDA Census of Agriculture. Humans, who count as an animal here, win 1,495 counties. Pheasants win 2. ~ learn more
It’s a bio-engineered plant that yields purple colored tomatoes with extra anti-oxidants. This newsletter first linked to a write-up about the company in September 2021, so it’s cool to see it start shipping. “Seeds are available at Packets of 10 high […]
I imagine it will be expensive for a while. “There is still some secrecy around this question, but the company has announced that the first batch of Good Meat will be sold to well-regarded chef and humanitarian José Andrés, who […]
Here’s one example, the Broiler Market News Report. It is a 4 page summary of the market for “broiler” chickens. ~ learn more
Georgia Ede, a nutritional psychiatrist (I’m not certain what that is), gave this very intriguing talk in February. “During her presentation, Ede delineates the various ways authoritative bodies such as the USDA and World Health Organization, through their spread of […]
I find this distinction interesting. Humans have been “modifying” crop and animal genes since the invention of agriculture by selecting for desired variants. Transgenic modification, where scientists literally splice in genes from unrelated organisms, has proven to be much more […]