to your health

The compounding loophole for GLP-1 drugs.

Scott Alexander once wondered how the economy would handle a $12,000/yr drug that everybody wants (i.e. Ozempic). We haven’t seen the official price become the market price, though, because patent protections for the drug are currently suspended. That’s the compounding […]

to your health

Adumbrations Of Aducanumab

Don’t let the big words scare you off. This is an insightful analysis of the FDA’s recent approval of a new Alzheimers drug from Scott Alexander. Conclusion: unbundle the FDA! | learn more

on the blockchain

Polymarket prediction market in action

There’s a mini-scandal going on between Scott Alexander, pseudonymous author of the popular blog Slate Star Codex, and the New York Times that’s threatened to publish his real name (for no good reason). You can bet on whether NYT publishes […]