fun facts

Desalination or desalinization?

“I suppose the test would be: what are you hoping to end up making? If it’s a puddle of water: you are desalinating. If it’s a pile of salt: you are desalinizing.” ~ learn more

thoughts of food

Inflammation nation.

Another stellar report from Bluestein Ventures, this time about the innovation in the food industry aimed at reducing inflammatory ingredients. It’s not just starry-eyed optimism: “reductions in sugar, salt, and fat have proven difficult, as current alternatives struggle to match […]

big ideas

Salt may help store energy in the future. 

X is the ‘moonshot’ group within Google’s parent company Alphabet. They’re now working on technology that may help solve the energy storage problem that plagues renewables like solar and wind. The idea isn’t new, but might the technology be coming […]