Car design history
“A data visualization celebrating the work of the great Italian design studios.” | learn more
“A data visualization celebrating the work of the great Italian design studios.” | learn more
This is a really cool video demo of in-car tech that I would’ve LOVED to have as a kid. Who am I kidding, I’d love to have it now! | learn more
Last year Benedict Evans published his excellent post outlining what changes we might expect after autonomous, electric vehicles are everywhere. Now, Phil Levin from consulting firm 99mph shares a detailed analysis of $1 trillion of property value shifts within and […]
This company’s model is interesting, as it bridges the gap between daily car rentals and fixed-term leases. Their program is akin to a lease without a fixed term. You just need to give them 5 days notice before returning the […]
The Altantic offers an enlightening journey into Waymo’s (subsidiary of Google’s parent Alphabet) infrastructure for developing self-driving car technology. This includes a physical road network and simulation systems. | learn more
Railroad cars have long been a source of leverage and power over commercial adversaries. Rockefeller’s Standard Oil monopoly owned most of the tank cars in the US, which gave them power over the mighty railroads. Now, little known Iowa Pacific […]
Venture capitalist Benedict Evans has a new post discussing the likely winner-takes-all outcomes in the burgeoning autonomous car business. His analysis is always very thorough and worth reading. | learn more
This interesting infographic gives you a glimpse into how much code is used in various technologies, including the F-35 Fighter jet, the Large Hadron Collider, and a modern car. | learn more
Finally, research settles the dispute of how many autonomous vehicles it takes to alleviate traffic. One. | learn more