thoughts of food

Real wasabi vs most wasabi.

This video answers the question about what the “wasabi” served with most sushi actually is. If you’ve never had the real stuff (which is grated in front of you), it’s totally worth the price when available in my opinion. | […]

better doing

What kind of coach do you want?

Venture Capitalist Fred Wilson compares two types of coaching that mentors offer founders. He makes the distinction between those who provide questions, and those who provide answers. | learn more

oh, chicago

This is what a scientist wears to keep warm in -40F.

My fellow Chicagoans, we’re going to need this info. For those of you lucky enough to live elsewhere, know that we’re going to suffer through HIGHs of -10F this Wednesday. With wind chill, we’re anticipating a high of -38F and […]

fun facts

The fast and the furious and the data.

Bloomberg put a lot of manhours into analyzing all sorts of interest data from the Fast and the Furious series of movies. For example, are you curious how the 311 gear shifts break down between the 7 movies? | learn […]