fun facts

Dragged hot dog

The Chicago-style hot dog is said to be “dragged through the garden” because of its many veggie toppings. Click for a history of the sacred dog and its German and Jewish roots. | learn more

fun facts

Look up any company’s Facebook ads

Did you know that you can search a company and see their entire library of ads on Facebook? Here’s a fun example for a direct-to-consumer men’s pharma company. | learn more

better doing

Fred Wilson on practice

Nothing earth-shattering here, and yet extremely valuable as a reminder. “It is easy to watch a basketball player like Steph Curry hit three pointer after three pointer and think ‘that is raw talent’ and surely that is true. But it […]

better doing

Five lessons from history

“Lesson #1: People suffering from sudden, unexpected hardship are likely to adopt views they previously thought unthinkable.” | learn more

retail therapy

Parenthood and Instagram ads

This is an interesting post about how effective the advertising barrage is at targeting and repeatedly exposing users to ads. In this case, for modern breast pumps. | learn more