better doing

Visionaries & operators

Fred Wilson discusses why some companies lose value after a founder leaves, while others don’t suffer the same fate. “I like to keep things simple and in my simple mind, leadership comes in two flavors, visionary leadership and operational leadership. […]

better doing

Wander in and pester

An insightful perspective on organizational productivity. “In 1992 the economist Peter Sassone published a study of workflow in large US corporate offices. He found that the more senior a person was, the more likely they were to do a bit […]

tech, startups, internet

Drones form a scannable QR code in the sky

And to think, I once thought QR codes were going nowhere. “Chinese gaming giant Bilibili used the dazzling display to advertise the one year anniversary of its role playing game Princess Connect! Re: Dive. At the end of the show, the 1,500 drones gathered […]

tech, startups, internet

Playing different games – the Tiger phenomenon

The hedge fund Tiger Global and several offshoots are aggressively deploying capital into startups with little diligence, historically high prices, and lighting fast speed. “Hah! You’re telling me — I heard they did [Deal X] in 24 hours after only getting a […]

fun facts

Car design history

“A data visualization celebrating the work of the great Italian design studios.” | learn more

fun facts

Invasion stripes

Aircraft in WW2 used a “Identification, friend or foe (IFF)” system to avoid friendly fire. Before the D-Day invasion the Allies realized that the system wouldn’t scale to handle the thousands of aircraft involved in the invasion. So, they moved […]

fun facts

A guitar hero robot

“I wanted to be great at Guitar Hero. So I might have enlisted the help of robots and artificial intelligence…” Follow the link for an awesome video of the robot in action. | learn more

big ideas

The Wolfram Physics Project

One year in, Stephen Wolfram discusses the progress of his project to develop a new fundamental theory of physics. The level of abstraction here is beyond me so I couldn’t get all the way through this. “The way I see […]

teaching the kids

Your world, better

While I’m not in the market for middle school textbooks, I am fond of this one for its approach. Ever since Hans Rosling helped me realize my world view was based on decades-old and outdated data, I’ve wondered if that cycle persists. […]