better doing

Uninterrupted work.

Interruptions can be so costly for many types of work. Not short mindless tasks like stuffing envelopes, but certainly for complex thought work. This piece explores the two dimensions that can make this costly: fixed startup costs and linear vs […]

better doing

What work looks like.

“The mantra of sharing your work and involving everyone in decisions naturally leads to inviting and copying people into things that add no value to them, or you.” | learn more

better doing

Sitting and standing at work.

“The bottom line: Sit to do computer work. Sit using a height-adjustable, downward titling keyboard tray for the best work posture, then every 20 minutes stand for 8 minutes AND MOVE for 2 minutes. … Simply standing is insufficient.” | learn more

better doing

How I Optimize

My personal mission is to spend my time working on interesting projects alongside people who I like and respect. How did I get there? Luck found me I’ve been successful and I’ve been lucky. The two are inseparable. Out of […]

better doing

Infinity wells and deep work.

VC investor Tomasz Tunguz discusses these two separate but very related topics. Deep Work is about focusing without distraction. Infinity Wells devour your attention without end (like social media feeds). The more you know about the battle you’re fighting, the […]

better doing

Work less to be more productive. 

Mark Manson, the author of The Subtle Art of Not Giving A Fuck, talks about his experience writing the book, including the diminishing returns and negative returns of spending extra hours per day on the endeavor. | learn more