fun facts

How to build the ideal sauna.

It turns out that most saunas in the U.S. have shortcomings. “This thing that people in Finland (and Germany, Sweden, Austria, etc.) call a sauna is all about the specific, unique and quite wonderful bather experience it provides – even […]

thoughts of food

Espresso tonic.

I haven’t had the chance to try one of these, but a colleague did and liked it. “The combination of espresso and tonic water originated in Sweden in the early aughts, allegedly created by a barista at Koppi Roasters in […]

big ideas

How heat pumps became a Nordic success story.

This started as a response to the 1970s oil price shock and was further aided by a carbon tax introduced in 1990. “Sweden, Norway and Finland also have the coldest climates in Europe. In all three countries, there are now […]

thoughts of food

The Oatly story

“Oatly doesn’t think like the rest. They’ve been around for 20 years as a Swedish company fighting for attention. Last week, the oat milk company raised $200mm at a $2bn valuation. This is a lesson on creativity and how @oatly […]