The huge telescope from Goldeneye is being dismantled
“The iconic Arecibo radio telescope in Puerto Rico is to be dismantled, officials announce.” | learn more
“The iconic Arecibo radio telescope in Puerto Rico is to be dismantled, officials announce.” | learn more
“Dozens of entrepreneurs, made newly wealthy by virtual currencies, have moved to the island to avoid taxes on their fortunes — and to build a society that runs on blockchain.” |learn more
The triangle of sea between Bermuda, Puerto Rico, and Miami is perilous to ships and planes. The reason why has been a mystery for a long time. Meteorologists propose an interesting new explanation. | learn more
I was introduced to the concept of an emergency mesh network in the book CyberStorm, where a series of events occur that take out all internet infrastructure on Manhattan. goTenna’s mesh device is making this fiction a reality in Puerto […]
The project (Loon) is a brainchild of Alphabet’s moonshot subsidiary X. The balloons navigated from Nevada to Puerto Rico by using machine learning to predict air currents. | learn more