fun facts

Low-background metal.

“One odd consequence of humanity’s 77-year flirtation with atomic weapons is that the steel we produce is now ever-so-slightly radioactive. The radiation isn’t strong enough to pose a health risk, but it does interfere with some sensitive scientific and medical […]

big ideas

Five mysteries the Standard Model can’t explain.

“It is the most rigorous theory of particle physics, incredibly precise and accurate in its predictions. … Despite its great predictive power, however, the Standard Model fails to answer five crucial questions, which is why particle physicists know their work […]

big ideas

The Wolfram Physics Project

One year in, Stephen Wolfram discusses the progress of his project to develop a new fundamental theory of physics. The level of abstraction here is beyond me so I couldn’t get all the way through this. “The way I see […]

fun facts

The physics of war in space

A very intriguing primer on how to conduct war in space. “Scenes from Star Wars, books, and TV shows portray a world very different from what we are likely to see in the next 50 years, if ever, given the […]

fun facts

The bizarre physics of fire ants. 

Have you seen all of the stories about fire ants in Houston that are floating atop flood waters? What I learned from this video is that when the ants get together in a colony, they actually form a new sort […]