retail therapy

Ads don’t work that way.

There’s a common view that ads work by associating positive memories and feelings with products. This author disagrees and makes a compelling case for an alternate theory. “…[R]ather than trying to change our minds individually, [an ad] instead changes the […]

under the microscope

Asthma drug brings back “lost” memories.

“Sleep deprivation can cause memory loss. However, is is unclear whether the information that gets “lost” as a result of sleep deprivation is truly gone or just difficult to retrieve. A recent animal study found that this information can be […]

under the microscope

Your memories are not always reliable.

“We replicated the findings of the original study, with 35% of participants reporting a false memory for getting lost in a mall as a child (compared to 25% in the original study). However, using a novel self-report measure, just 14% […]