fun facts

The quietest places in the world’s loudest cities.

“Urban noise pollution is not going away. That’s why we’ve put together this guide to the ‘noisiest’ cities across the US, UK, and mainland Europe, and the places within them where it’s possible to escape the hustle and bustle of […]

to your health

The story of Novo Dordisk, maker of Ozempic.

This is a roughly 4-hour epic history of the most valuable company in Europe. “Once we dug further, we quickly realized this company has it all: an incredible 100+ year history filled with Nobel Prizes, bitter personal rivalries, board room […]

to your health

Why the world is going blind.

The cause: not enough exposure to sunlight. “In China, up to 90 percent of teenagers and young adults are myopic. In the 1950s the figure was as low as 10 percent. A 2012 study in Seoul found that an astonishing […]

big ideas

How heat pumps became a Nordic success story.

This started as a response to the 1970s oil price shock and was further aided by a carbon tax introduced in 1990. “Sweden, Norway and Finland also have the coldest climates in Europe. In all three countries, there are now […]

thoughts of food

Gen Z has declared pickles are cool now.

“Centuries after European immigrants began selling the humble brined veg from their Lower East Side pushcarts, the younger generation has become obsessed with the deli sandwich’s best friend. Crunch the numbers at TikTok, and you’ll see — the hashtags #pickle […]

fun facts

Seeing natural selection in action, human edition.

“When the Black Death struck Europe in 1348, the bacterial infection killed large swaths of people across the continent, driving the strongest pulse of natural selection yet measured in humans, the new study found.” | learn more

under the microscope

New technique kills tumors with sound waves.

This is an incredible development and it’s already in human trials. “The new treatment is called “histotripsy,” and it noninvasively directs ultrasound waves so that the target tissue is mechanically destroyed — and with millimeter precision. This novel technique is […]