big ideas

Decarbonization 2024.

Nat Bullard is a self-described expert on clean energy and climate finance. He puts together this annual presentation on “the state of decarbonization told with climate, capital markets, technology, and sector data.” It’s very detailed and full of interesting data. […]

tech, startups, internet

The next big thing in 2022.

“50 of technology’s top thinkers weigh in on the year ahead.” Loads of interesting ideas to consider here: inflation, the war for talent, decarbonization, and more! | learn more

big ideas

Ten million deaths a year from air pollution.

This article shines a spotlight on the problem. A ray of hope is that unlike decarbonization, “for one thing, it’s actually under the control of local and national governments. It’s also a significant burden on public health, which if alleviated […]