fun facts

Welding and the automation frontier.

“A good job for drilling down into the specifics of automation is welding. Welding today exists right on the “automation frontier” — some industries, like car manufacturing, have automated nearly all their welding, while others, like construction, have automated very […]

retail therapy

The state of automation in supply chains

Prologis is the largest owner, operator and developer of industrial real estate in the United States. “Three trends are aligning to drive higher levels of automation within our facilities.” | learn more

better doing

Eli Whitney and the spectrum of automation. 

The inventor of the cotton gin won a contract to manufacture 5,000 muskets per year for the U.S. in 1798. He had no gunmaking knowledge, and the best armories at the time could barely produce that much volume. What happened […]

big ideas

Evidence of the robot takeover.

Evidence of the robot takeover. Economists from MIT and Boston University examine the impact of industrial automation on the US labor market from 1990 to 2007. They conclude that each additional robot reduced employment in a given commuting area by 3-6 […]