under the microscope

Watching Alzheimer’s in action.

“A look inside the brains of engineered mice suggests therapies might need to target two key proteins — tau and amyloid-beta — at the same time.” This is from 2019. I’m not sure where this idea has led researchers. ~ learn more

under the microscope

Could Alzheimer’s be an autoimmune disease?

“Yes,” says Dr. Donald Weaver, co-Director of the Krembil Brain Institute and author of new research published in the peer-reviewed journal, Alzheimer’s & Dementia. “We don’t think of Alzheimer’s as fundamentally a disease of the brain. We think of it […]

under the microscope

A positive amyloid trial, finally?

Big Alzheimer’s disease news this week: positive results for an anti-amyloid therapy. Researcher Derek Lowe takes a more sober view: “As the world knows, the anti-amyloid clinical landscape for Alzheimer’s is absolutely littered with failures in every direction: anti-amyloid antibodies […]

to your health

The first new Alzheimer’s drug since 2003 approved by FDA.

The approval came despite the advisory committee’s near-unanimous vote against it. “The ap­proval, how­ev­er, will do lit­tle to quell crit­i­cisms from the swath of Alzheimer’s re­searchers, bio­sta­tis­ti­cians, and clin­i­cians who have ar­gued that Bio­gen cher­ry-picked da­ta and failed to show […]