fun facts

A history of rockets, with pictures

This is a neat summary from NASA highlighting the developments in rocketry since its birth circa 400 BC. “The mighty space rockets of today are the result of more than 2,000 years of invention, experimentation, and discovery.” | learn more

big ideas

Moneyness: dictionary money

A short article with a high concentration of new-to-me knowledge. “Nick Rowe points out that if a central bank wants to control the economy’s price level, it needn’t issue any actual money—it can just edit the dictionary every morning, announcing […]

thoughts of food

KFC teaming up to develop lab-grown chicken nuggets

Two things caught my eye here. First, this is led by KFC Russia, which is entertaining. Second, they used the term “crafted meat products”, which I hadn’t heard before. I suspect there’s a consumer challenge with something called “lab grown […]