tech, startups, internet

When we design our identities from scratch.

Sarah Guo thinks pseudonymity will help us all use the internet better. I’m seeing more pseudonymous writers building names for themselves lately. Without any credentialing they manage to build brands and audiences based solely on merit. | learn more

tech, startups, internet

The poor ROI of truck autonomy.

A detailed and easy-to-grasp economic analysis of trucking automation from the CEO of Starsky. “The hardest 1% of the technical problem, automating the surface streets and interchanges, would end up being worth only about $600/truck/yr. Level 4 truck autonomy has […]

tech, startups, internet

Payments in Japan.

A fascinating and geeky look at how payments work in a country where 40 payment methods are accepted at 7-eleven. “Payments in Japan have changed enormously in the last 20 years. The rate of change is accelerating. You will see […]

tech, startups, internet

Here is what angel investing should be.

I’ll reserve my comments for now, but the vision is quite interesting. “Send USDC from a wallet with your ENS to the entity’s ENS and get digital mirror assets back into your wallet. These assets are held in a mirrortable, […]