fun facts

How does a QR code work?

It starts with the cube shapes in the corner, called Finder Patterns. The most interesting part to me is the mask, of which there are 8 standard patterns. | learn more

fun facts

The secret history of 7 common words.

Y’all know I love etymology. This article helped me connect an old Russian-language insult back to English (via Greek). “Everyday words often hide histories revealing a time when people’s views of the world, the cosmos, and each other were profoundly […]

fun facts

The last man standing in the floppy disk business.

“Tom Persky is the self-proclaimed “last man standing in the floppy disk business.” He is the time-honored founder of, a US-based company dedicated to the selling and recycling of floppy disks.” | learn more

fun facts

Unisex names in the US.

A visual ranking of the top 50 names that have at least 25% share for each gender. Data from 1922 – 2021. Each name has charts showing volume over time, as well as gender distribution over time. It’s interesting to […]

fun facts

The case for high-skilled immigration reform.

“Despite making up just 14% of the population, immigrants are responsible for 30% of U.S. patents and 38% of U.S. Nobel Prizes in science. A team of Stanford economists recently estimated that nearly three quarters of all U.S. innovation since […]