on the blockchain

The radical potential of Augur.

If you are not totally up to speed on what a prediction market is, and why it might matter to you in the future, this post explains it in a very understandable way. | learn more

tech, startups, internet

Where art thou startup exits?

From Pardot founder David Cummings, reminding us that exists are few and far between, so focus on building a great business: “Too many investors ask about an exit strategy, when, in reality, the world doesn’t work that way. Companies are […]

oh, chicago

Marijuana supper clubs in Chicago.

“The marijuana industry is poised for growth in Illinois, and some entrepreneurs, like the hosts of these cannabis-infused dinners, are willing to skirt the law for early entry into the burgeoning field.” | learn more

fun facts

A day in the life: women and men.

Data geeks, be sure to check this out! “Using the past couple of years of data from the American Time Use Survey, I simulated a working day for men and women to see how schedules differ. Below shows the results. […]

fun facts

Hipster, meet irony.

“Man angry his photo was used to prove all hipsters look alike — then learns it wasn’t him.” | learn more