fun facts

How an activist accidentally saved Fox. 

One of my new favorite writers, Ernie Smith @ Tedium, tells the story of how activist Terry Rakolta tried to put the brakes on the show Married… With Children, inadvertently made the show stronger and saving Fox in the process. | learn more

fun facts

Van Gogh may have been colorblind. 

Dr. Kazunori Asada, a vision expert, has rendered some of Van Gogh’s famous paintings as seen through a colorblind lens. He claims they make a lot more sense that way. Being a native-born member of the colorblind tribe, I can […]

oh, chicago

Police stay busy on St. Patrick’s day. 

It’s a Chicago tradition for people to drink early and often on this wonderful holiday. Usually the results are a mix of sad and hilarious. The folks at CWBChicago took it upon themselves to monitor police and fire radios to […]